ONE WORLD successfully shipped PBT to Israeli cable manufacturer for first order delivery!


ONE WORLD successfully shipped PBT to Israeli cable manufacturer for first order delivery!

ONE WORLD has successfully shipped PBT to Israeli cable manufacturer, marking the success of our first collaboration with this customer.

Previously, we offered free samples for customers to test. The customer is very satisfied with our quality after testing. This new customer’s demand for cable raw material is very high and their requirements for quality are very high too. Customer says that our PBT has good stability and high mechanical strength. It has higher cost performance compared with other suppliers’ products.


As the first order, we take it very seriously. From production to delivery, we strictly check every link to ensure the highest product quality and the fastest delivery speed, and improve customers’ optical cable manufacturing efficiency.

ONE WORLD focuses on providing customers with high-quality optical cable raw materials and quality services. In addition to PBT required by Israeli customers, we also provide Optical Fiber, Water Blocking Tape, Water Blocking Yarn, Mylar tape, PP Foam Tape, Non-Woven Fabric Tape and so on.

We are very honored that more and more customers are beginning to understand and trust our products. For continuous improvement, we invest significant resources in technology research and development every year. We also train a team of skilled experimental materials engineers who can provide guidance to cable factories worldwide.

We look forward to building a long-term relationship with Israeli customers and other cable manufacturers form all over the world, and will continue to work hard to provide customers with more professional cable raw material solutions.

Post time: May-06-2024